Thaddeus Russell – A Renegade History of the United States

“Imagine an America without Jazz. Imagine an America in which alcohol is still illegal. Imagine an America without Broadway, Las Vegas, or Hollywood. Imagine an America in which all gays and lesbians are in the closet. All you have to do is imagine American history without organized crime.”

Thaddeus Russell, A Renegade History of the United States: How Drunks, Delinquents and Other Outcasts Made America (London: Simon & Schuster, 2011 [2010]), p. 229.

Thaddeus Russell – A Renegade History of the United States

“…Italian American gangsters were the frontline troops in the war against Prohibition. Quite possibly a majority of the bottles consumed illegally in the United States at one point passed through the hands of a member of an Italian crime syndicate. Even Italian women fought on the home front in the good war.”

Thaddeus Russell, A Renegade History of the United States: How Drunks, Delinquents and Other Outcasts Made America (London: Simon & Schuster, 2011 [2010]), p. 189.

Thaddeus Russell – A Renegade History of the United States

““Dixie” and hundreds of songs like it gave voice not to a hatred of black people but to a love of blackness. And, as paradoxical as it seems, if we free our minds from modern morality, we can see that such a life-loving and infectious culture could only have been created by slaves. Free from the bondage of citizenship, is it any wonder that the slaves were able to enjoy themselves? Liberated from the responsibility of sustaining themselves and their offspring, should we be surprised that they sang and danced with a joy that was unknown to whites? Living outside the confines of American norms, was it a miracle that their descendants created America’s most important contribution to world culture – a music that operated outside and against Western musical structures with its celebration of improvisation and its rhythms that moved the body? Never fully a part of America, slaves were America’s original renegades.”

Thaddeus Russell, A Renegade History of the United States: How Drunks, Delinquents and Other Outcasts Made America (London: Simon & Schuster, 2011 [2010]), p. 76. Emphasis not added.

Thaddeus Russell – A Renegade History of the United States

“During the Revolution, Americans began what would be a long resistance to the obligations and sacrifices required by the dark side of democracy. The fight was on between disciplinarians and renegades, but neither would win. The founding of the United States simply began the war that continues today.”

Thaddeus Russell, A Renegade History of the United States: How Drunks, Delinquents and Other Outcasts Made America (London: Simon & Schuster, 2011 [2010]), p. 38.

Jim Goad – Whiteness: The Original Sin

“If there is to be war in America’s streets, there is no group I would more eagerly battle than the good-whites [i.e. white liberals and white Far-Leftists]. They are the tattletales and snitches and teacher’s pets of the white race. And unlike many other potential foes – who would probably at least put up a good fight – the goodwhites are far too soft and clueless to face the wrath of the awakened bad-white [i.e. white Conservatives and white nationalists].”

Jim Goad, Whiteness: The Original Sin (Stone Mountain, GA: Obnoxious Books, 2018), p. 28.

Yoram Hazony – The Virtue of Nationalism

““Liberal internationalism” is not merely a positive agenda for the erasure of national boundaries and the dismantling of the national states in Europe and elsewhere. It is an imperialist ideology that incites against nationalism and nationalists, seeking their delegitimization wherever they appear in Europe, or among nations such as America and Israel that are regarded having emerged from European civilization.”

Yoram Hazony, The Virtue of Nationalism (New York: Basic Books, 2018), p. 219.

Yoram Hazony – The Virtue of Nationalism

“The meaning of Auschwitz [to the Jewish people] is that the Jews failed in their efforts to find a way to defend their children. They depended on others, decent men in power in America or Britain, who, when the time came, did little to save European Jewry.”

Yoram Hazony, The Virtue of Nationalism (New York: Basic Books, 2018), p. 203.

Yoram Hazony – The Virtue of Nationalism

“On the surface, Britain and America sometimes give the impression of having become utterly unmoored from their biblical heritage. But these are still nations that were formed by the biblical message of freedom of the nation from empire, limitation of the power of kings, and fundamental precepts establishing the basis for a just and decent society. Events have shown just how powerful the Protestant construction remains in both countries, even after decades of ceding ground to the new liberal order that had seemed on the verge of replacing it.”

Yoram Hazony, The Virtue of Nationalism (New York: Basic Books, 2018), p. 54.