“People do not read novels because they want lessons in reality; they read them to escape reality.” – Jared Taylor, “Race and Literature: Why Is It Always Liberal?,” American Renaissance, 30 January 2012; If We Do Nothing: Essays and reviews from 25 years of white advocacy (New Century Books, 2017), p. 212.

“Race relations in this country [U.S.] would improve dramatically if blacks got an entirely different message: that they sink or swim according to their own efforts and abilities, that they are not the puppets of white people; that they are adults who must be responsible for their own lives rather than children at the mercy of vicious, omnipotent strangers.

Recognizing the likelihood of racial differences in IQ is an important part of this.

Race denial is not a “noble fiction.” It is a noxious poison.” – Jared Taylor, “”Noble Fiction” – or Noxious Poison?,” VDARE, 24 June 2008; If We Do Nothing: Essays and reviews from 25 years of white advocacy (New Century Books, 2017), p. 202.

“If a majority-white court has repeatedly shown itself capable of finding that equal opportunity requires discrimination against whites, what fanciful principles will an increasingly non-white court find in the Constitution?” – Jared Taylor, “La Raza Eyes the Supreme Court,” American Renaissance, July 2009; If We Do Nothing: Essays and reviews from 25 years of white advocacy (New Century Books, 2017), p. 196.

“Rosa Parks has dined out – and become a hero of American history – on the basis of a single half hour of immobility. Surely, never in the history of the world, has so small an act won such praise.” – Jared Taylor, “A Curious Madness,” American Renaissance, December 2005; If We Do Nothing: Essays and reviews from 25 years of white advocacy (New Century Books, 2017), p. 183.

“Ironically, it is former Communists [Ex-Communist countries in Europe], who lived under an overtly anti-religious, anti-nationalist ideology, that are still able to think in terms of nation and religion… Communism protected them from something much worse: “tolerance” and “diversity.”” – Jared Taylor, “Is This the Death of Europe?,” American Renaissance, 22 September 2015; If We Do Nothing: Essays and reviews from 25 years of white advocacy (New Century Books, 2017), pp. 178-179.

“The underlying problem – and one that cannot be solved – is that whites have built the most pleasant places to live in human history while, with only a few exceptions, everywhere else is a dung heap. In some cases, such as Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya, Western meddling has made things worse, but even without that, hundreds of millions of non-whites in a hundred different countries would move to Europe or America if they could.” – Jared Taylor, “Is This the Death of Europe?,” American Renaissance, 22 September 2015; If We Do Nothing: Essays and reviews from 25 years of white advocacy (New Century Books, 2017), p. 171.

“To those who can see beyond liberal clichés about race, the dynamics of prison rape [blacks and Hispanics targeting white inmates] are perfectly understandable… Our prisons reflect our society, and as long as whites are official scapegoats and are forbidden to act in their own interests, and as long as we insist on forcing on prisoners a brutal form of integration no one would choose for himself, white prisoners will be pimped, beaten, raped, and infected with AIDS. America refuses to face this problem because it refuses to face itself.” – Jared Taylor, “Hard Time,” American Renaissance, April 2002; If We Do Nothing: Essays and reviews from 25 years of white advocacy (New Century Books, 2017), p. 158.

“It is difficult not to conclude that the racial aspect of these horrors [meaning prison rapes] has a lot to do with our determination to ignore them. If whites were gang-buggering and enslaving blacks, there would be a high-powered campaign to stop them, with movie stars queuing up to befriend victims, and senators preening themselves on their virtuous concern. Because whites are the victims, any investigation would run head-on into facts too awful for public consumption: that blacks and Hispanics are the “racists,” and that forced integration is even more of a disaster behind bars than in the free world.” – Jared Taylor, “Hard Time,” American Renaissance, April 2002; If We Do Nothing: Essays and reviews from 25 years of white advocacy (New Century Books, 2017), p. 158.

“Our rulers and media executives will try to turn the story of Hurricane Katrina into yet another morality tale of downtrodden blacks and heartless whites, but fairy tales of this kind fool fewer and fewer people. Many whites will realize – some for the first time – that we have Africa in our midst, that utterly alien Africa of road-side corpses, cruelty, and anarchy that they thought could never wash up on these shores.

To be sure, the story of Hurricane Katrina does have a moral for anyone not deliberately blind. The races are different. Blacks and whites are different. When blacks are left entirely to their own devices, Western Civilization – any kind of civilization – disappears. And in a crisis, it disappears overnight.” – Jared Taylor, “Africa in Our Midst,” American Renaissance, October 2005; If We Do Nothing: Essays and reviews from 25 years of white advocacy (New Century Books, 2017), p. 147.

“Despite the rotting bodies and mountains of evidence, despite the chronicle of barbarism…whites have an inexhaustible capacity to deceive themselves about the motives and behavior of Africans. No matter how often patterns repeat themselves, whites persist in making excuses that amount to blaming themselves. It is always whites, past or present, who are responsible for Africa’s woes.

Whites will never understand Africa – or the blacks in their own countries – until they open their eyes to the truth.” – Jared Taylor, “Africa Since Independence,” American Renaissance, February 2006; If We Do Nothing: Essays and reviews from 25 years of white advocacy (New Century Books, 2017), p. 126.