“…you will forever find the Jew as the ferment of decomposition in every society he infests. In a monarchy, he is a Republican. In a Republic, he is a Democrat. In a democracy, he is for “social democracy”. In a Social Democracy he is a Communist. Among Communists, he joins Progressive Labor. Thus the Jew is always over on the left – for less and less authority and order in the society – although he disguises it by claiming he is for more and more “freedom for the people”.

The Jew is the world’s champion “liberal”, not for love of liberty and freedom, but because he knows that a healthy body politic will quickly rid itself of tapeworms [the Jews being tapeworms]. Liberalism is no longer the belief in liberty that the word once meant. In the hands of the Jew, liberalism has become pure and simple “TAPE-WORMISM”, – the organization of the parasitic, unproductive and generally inferior to enslave the productive and superior by sheer weight of numbers.” – George Lincoln Rockwell, White Power (Revisionist Books, 1966, 2016), pp. 155-156.

“Whenever we find an individual preoccupied with the idea of his own supreme importance, and always talking of how everybody hates and persecutes him, we may justly suspect the poor fellow of being afflicted with the mental illness of paranoia.

When we examine the nature of the Jewish “religion”, we find it almost totally preoccupied with precisely these delusions.” – George Lincoln Rockwell, White Power (Revisionist Books, 1966, 2016), p. 132.

“Turn him loose, and the American White Man can and has whipped anything in sight. Sooner or later, the Jews will finally cross the borderline of American patience as they have done all throughout their history.

When they do, the reaction of the American White Man will make the Jews get on their knees and pray for Adolf Hitler to save them. The revenge taken upon them by other outraged host people will seem like heaven compared to the ferocity of the White American, once he has had all he is going to take from these arrogant Jews.” – George Lincoln Rockwell, White Power (Revisionist Books, 1966, 2016), p. 131.

“”Nazism” is the defense mechanism of the Aryan White Man against the deadly attack of world Jewry, with its Communism, Zionism, racial defilement, degeneracy and “democracy”. Nazism replaces the collapsing “conservative” defense with vigorous ATTACK.” (Emphasis not added) – George Lincoln Rockwell, White Power (Revisionist Books, 1966, 2016), p. 130.

“The Jewish-Communist Zionist-traitor situation is much like that of the Mafia. Everybody knows that the Mafia is mostly Italians and mostly gangsters. But that does not mean, “all Italians are gangsters” or “all gangsters are Italian”. On the other hand, the principle the Jews want to suppress is that a member of the Mafia is probably an Italian and probably a gangster.” – George Lincoln Rockwell, White Power (Revisionist Books, 1966, 2016), p. 122.

“There is simply NO excess, no degeneracy, and no horror too low for some Jew to use as a method, not only of getting our money, but destroying our society and our character in the process.” (Emphasis not added) – George Lincoln Rockwell, White Power (Revisionist Books, 1966, 2016), p. 114.

“…Communism with the Jews is not a genuine ideology; it is a confidence game, a swindle and a method of using force and revolution as a shortcut to wealth and power, which usually takes longer to obtain by regular, “business” means (even employing the sort of “business” methods for which Jews are justly notorious [for]). Communism is the old “ship-wreck” business for the criminal profit of Red Jews!” – George Lincoln Rockwell, White Power (Revisionist Books, 1966, 2016), p. 108.

“The same people who screamed the loudest for “academic freedom” to preach Communism were also the most merciless in their campaign of suppression against anyone wishing to discuss the Jews in anything but the most fulsome and disgusting praise.” – George Lincoln Rockwell, White Power (Revisionist Books, 1966, 2016), p. 107.

“The word “afraid” is derived from the word “fear”. You can only be “afraid of” what you FEAR. And you only fear what has some kind of POWER over you.” (Emphasis not added) – George Lincoln Rockwell, White Power (Revisionist Books, 1966, 2016), p. 93.

“There is no “middle ground” with the Communists, no “moderate” position. You either kill them, or they kill you…” – George Lincoln Rockwell, White Power (Revisionist Books, 1966, 2016), p. 69.