Noam Chomsky – Who Rules the World?

“The Vietnam War is described as a failure, an American defeat. In reality it was a partial victory. The United States did not achieve its maximal goal of turning Vietnam into the Philippines [which was a economic colony of the U.S.], but the major concerns were overcome [i.e. full national sovereignty allowing it to implement democracy as well as socialist policies], much as in the case of Cuba. Such outcomes therefore count as defeat, failure, terrible decisions.

The imperial mentality is wondrous to behold.”

Noam Chomsky, Who Rules the World? (London: Penguin Books, 2017 [2016]), p. 207.

Noam Chomsky – Who Rules the World?

“American power in the world is…continuing its decline from its early post-World War II peak. While the United States remains the most powerful state in the world, nevertheless, global power is continuing to diversify, and the United States is increasingly unable to impose its will. But decline has many dimensions and complexities. The domestic society is also in decline in significant ways, and what is decline for some may be unimaginable wealth and privilege for others. For the plutonomy [an economy where wealth is powered and consumed by the wealthy few] – more narrowly, a tiny fraction of it at the upper extreme – privilege and wealth abound, while for the great majority prospects are often gloomy, and many even face problems of survival in a country with unparalleled advantages.”

Noam Chomsky, Who Rules the World? (London: Penguin Books, 2017 [2016]), p. 66.

Noam Chomsky – Who Rules the World?

“…we can distinguish three categories of crimes: murder with intent, accidental killing, and murder with foreknowledge but without specific intent. Israeli and U.S. atrocities typically fall into the third category. Thus, when Israel destroys Gaza’s power supply or sets up barriers to travel in the West Bank, it does not specifically intend to murder the particular people who will die from polluted water or in ambulances that cannot reach hospitals.”

Noam Chomsky, Who Rules the World? (London: Penguin Books, 2017 [2016]), p. 30.

“…nothing less than killing the enemy germs [Jews] and extracting the “nigger” hell-raisers can stop the disease and pain which is killing America and the White Race. Our job is to be good dentists, remain steadfast and keep our pliers and germicide ready to extract the black aching tooth and disinfect our Nation of the germs of Jewish treason and decay, when the patient is ready [meaning the white race].

Fifty years of “conservative” failure is enough!” – George Lincoln Rockwell, White Power (Revisionist Books, 1966, 2016), pp. 318-319.

“Although it is made to appear so, the battle between the “conservatives” and “liberals” is NOT a battle of ideas or even of political organization. It is a battle of force, terror and power. The Jews and their accomplices and dupes are not running our [American] country and its people because of the excellence of their ideas or the merit of their work, or the genuine majority of people behind them.

They are in power in spite of the lack of these things, and only because they have driven their way into power by daring MINORITY TACTICS. They can stay in power only because people are afraid to oppose them – afraid they will be socially ostracized, afraid they will be smeared in the press, afraid they will lose political offices. It is FEAR, and FEAR alone that keeps these filthy left-wing sneaks in power – NOT ignorance by the American people as the “conservatives” keep telling each other.” (Emphasis not added) – George Lincoln Rockwell, White Power (Revisionist Books, 1966, 2016), p. 299.

“To make a revolutionary animal of the Negro [as the Jews wish to do in order to seize control of America], you must first force him into a situation where he loses his normal ability to enjoy his primitive releases and pleasures, teach him to know and enjoy the luxurious pleasures and vices of urban civilization, (such as heroin and White women) teach him that he has a right to those pleasures, force him into competition with White men for those pleasures, and then, when he fails, whisper to him that he is not really failing in that competition, but that “WHITE EXPLOITERS” ARE KEEPING HIM DOWN!” (Emphasis not added) – George Lincoln Rockwell, White Power (Revisionist Books, 1966, 2016), p. 201.

“Our people are rotting from the inside, no matter how the outside gives the appearance of prosperity and happiness. Like a man with a diseased heart, the first time America is subjected to a real crisis, unless something changes mighty quickly, America – and all of Western civilization with us will fold up with a whimper and die.” – George Lincoln Rockwell, White Power (Revisionist Books, 1966, 2016), p. 37.

“White, Western civilization is not old in terms of the millions of years of human existence. It is young, especially in America, and should be vigorous, healthy and aggressive.

Instead, it is mortally sick, weak, feeble, mad and depraved – dying. Even Rome, during its decline, never reached the depths to which America has already sunk.” – George Lincoln Rockwell, White Power (Revisionist Books, 1966, 2016), p. 29.

“Race relations in this country [U.S.] would improve dramatically if blacks got an entirely different message: that they sink or swim according to their own efforts and abilities, that they are not the puppets of white people; that they are adults who must be responsible for their own lives rather than children at the mercy of vicious, omnipotent strangers.

Recognizing the likelihood of racial differences in IQ is an important part of this.

Race denial is not a “noble fiction.” It is a noxious poison.” – Jared Taylor, “”Noble Fiction” – or Noxious Poison?,” VDARE, 24 June 2008; If We Do Nothing: Essays and reviews from 25 years of white advocacy (New Century Books, 2017), p. 202.